Category: Facebook

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Image with text reading ‘Next-Gen Social Media Metrics: Beyond Likes and Followers', highlighted by The Ad Firm, a digital marketing agency.

Next-Gen Social Media Metrics: Beyond Likes and Followers

Social media metrics have evolved significantly from the early days of simply counting likes and followers. Initially, these metrics provided a surface-level view of social media success, focusing primarily on popularity rather than engagement or business impact. Today, businesses are increasingly looking beyond these basic measures to more sophisticated analytics that offer deeper insights into user behavior and the effectiveness

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Image with text reading 'Facebook Ads Update: What's New for Marketers in 2024?', highlighted by The Ad Firm, a digital marketing agency.

Facebook Ads Update: What’s New for Marketers in 2024?

As we move deeper into 2024, Facebook continues to play a pivotal role in shaping digital marketing landscapes. This year, the platform has rolled out several updates that are crucial for marketers to understand and adapt to. From enhanced e-commerce capabilities to significant privacy updates and shifts in content strategy, these changes are set to redefine how brands engage with

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11 Advantages of Facebook Over Other Social Media Platforms

11 Advantages of Facebook Over Other Social Media Platforms

Since Facebook’s parent company transitioned to Meta in 2021, Facebook has solidified its role as a key player in leveraging social media for business advantages. This platform offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your business and professional endeavors. From simplifying customer payments to making the process of generating leads more direct, Facebook provides numerous opportunities for growth

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3 Common Facebook Phishing Scams And How To Avoid Them

3 Common Facebook Phishing Scams And How To Avoid Them

PIXM, a cybersecurity specialty firm, reported a large-scale Messenger and Facebook phishing operation that commenced in September 2021 but peaked in April or May 2022, affecting a whopping 8.5 million users. As such, The Ad Firm’s experts in internet marketing in Carlsbad offer a crucial resource to educate users on 3 of Facebook’s most common phishing scams. On top of

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