Category: Instagram

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Image with text reading ‘Next-Gen Social Media Metrics: Beyond Likes and Followers', highlighted by The Ad Firm, a digital marketing agency.

Next-Gen Social Media Metrics: Beyond Likes and Followers

Social media metrics have evolved significantly from the early days of simply counting likes and followers. Initially, these metrics provided a surface-level view of social media success, focusing primarily on popularity rather than engagement or business impact. Today, businesses are increasingly looking beyond these basic measures to more sophisticated analytics that offer deeper insights into user behavior and the effectiveness

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Instagram now offers AI-generated backgrounds on Stories

Instagram now offers AI-generated backgrounds on Stories

Instagram has recently introduced a new feature called “Backdrop,” which allows users to generate AI-powered backgrounds for their Stories. This feature enables users to create custom backgrounds based on diverse styles like beaches, cityscapes, or abstract art. The AI technology used in this feature is capable of seamlessly blending the user’s image with the generated background, creating a realistic and

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How Threads Can Impact Digital Marketing

Threads: What You Need To Know

As a trusted full-service digital agency, The Ad Firm always stays ahead of the digital landscape’s ever-evolving trends and technologies. One of these is Threads, a new platform shaking up the social media scene. This comprehensive guide will give you an in-depth understanding of Threads, its implications for businesses, and its potential challenges and opportunities. What is Threads? Threads is

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How to Drive More Engagement on Instagram

In this age and time people are becoming more interested on the visual side of things – thus, the rise of Instagram. And as any entrepreneur we should take advantage of it, but it’s not as easy to do as it looks like. Driving engagement from Instagram requires a little more time and effort that what you’re expecting. I listed

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How to Use Instagram For Your Business

If you are considering investing time and energy on social media accounts for your business, you may be wondering about many different things. Will your brand’s social media accounts affect your SERP ranking in any way? Is it worth it for you to invest in social media for your company and brand? Does it matter? Well, maybe it does, maybe

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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

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