Category: Google Core Updates

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Step-by-Step Guide to Bouncing Back from Google's March 2024 Core Update
Google Core Updates

Step-by-Step Guide to Bouncing Back from Google’s March 2024 Core Update

Google’s March 2024 Core Update has significantly impacted the search engine landscape, affecting numerous websites. It’s essential to understand these changes thoroughly and take appropriate steps to mitigate any negative effects. This guide will provide clear, actionable advice on how to assess the impact, identify necessary changes, and effectively recover your website’s ranking and traffic. Step 1: Diagnosing the Impact

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What You Need to Know About Google’s November 2023 Update
Google Core Updates

What You Need to Know About Google’s November 2023 Update

Google recently announced a major core update to its algorithm, set to roll out in November 2023. This update is expected to have a significant impact on search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and rankings. As the fourth notable change this year, it’s safe to say that Google is consistently challenging the status quo of SEO, and webmasters need to be

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Google's October 2023 core update
Google Core Updates

Google’s October 2023 Core Update

Google keeps refining its search algorithm to deliver better results to users. One of the ways it does this is through core updates. The most recent of these is the October 2023 Core Update. Let’s dive into the specifics of this update and why it matters to website owners, marketers, and regular users. What is the October 2023 Core Update?

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Google Core Updates

Understanding Google’s April 2023 Reviews Update

As a premier digital marketing firm, The Ad Firm strives to keep our clients informed about all significant developments in the digital space. One of the most impactful recent changes is the April 2023 Google Reviews Update. To help you navigate these changes, we’re breaking down what you need to know about this critical update and how The Ad Firm

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Google logo with white background
Google Core Updates

Google’s March 2023 Core Update: Strategies for SEO Success

To maintain our position as a top-rated digital marketing agency, The Ad Firm stays ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving online landscape. We understand that the key to delivering exceptional results lies in our ability to adapt strategically and respond to industry advancements. Core algorithm updates are significant changes to Google’s search algorithm that aim to improve the quality

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October 2022 Google Spam Algorithm Update
Google Core Updates

Google Launches October 2022 Spam Algorithm Update

The tech giant Google recently released an algorithm update targeted at combatting spam to further improve user security and search results quality and relevance. As Google confirmed, “Sites that violate our policies may rank lower in results or not appear in results at all.” As a top-rated digital marketing firm, The Ad Firm keeps up to date with the industry’s

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September 2022 Google Core Update Explained
Google Core Updates

Google’s Sept 2022 Core Update

We are halfway through Google’s latest core update rollout. The Google Core Algorithm is a periodic update to the search engine’s algorithm, which ranks websites in search results. Google chose the name “Core Algorithm” because it reflects that this update is big enough and significant enough to be considered a core part of the overall search ranking process. There’s one

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Google Core Updates

Google’s May 2020 Core Update

On May 4, 2020, Google announced it released a core ranking update, and rest assured, we’re keeping an eye on your analytics. Algorithm changes are rarely completed in a day, with Google estimating the May 2020 Core Update will take up to two weeks to be complete. So, expect some yo-yoing of results while the algorithm learns what to prioritize.

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Google Core Updates

Meet BERT — Google’s New Algorithm

Our curiosity is endless. People search the Internet for information daily. For years now, Google has been using algorithms to help avoid keyword-stuffed webpages to improve their users’ search experience. In 2020, search is getting even more sophisticated with Google’s latest algorithm, named BERT. At its core, search and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about understanding language. Google’s BERT (Bidirectional

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Google Core Updates

Google’s New Algorithm Update

In case you haven’t heard yet, Google has confirmed of their “Broad Core Algorithm Update” this past Wednesday, August 1st. If you’ve noticed a shift in your keyword rankings in the past few days, this new update may be the reason why. Many people have seen their websites either jump or dip on the SERPs and not many know why.

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How to Perform an On-page SEO Audit
Google Core Updates

How to Perform an On-page SEO Audit

Search optimization strategies rely on accurate insights derived from comprehensive on-page SEO audits. Auditing becomes an invaluable asset for any brand as these insights inform

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Image with text reading 'Effective CTAs in Email Marketing', highlighted by The Ad Firm, a digital marketing agency.
Google Core Updates

Effective CTAs in Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerhouse in digital communication, driving both customer engagement and conversions. At the heart of this success are the Calls to Action

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