Top AI Tools to Take Your SEO to the Next Level

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Top AI Tools to Take Your SEO to the Next Level

Ready or not, the world of content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) is being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI). Businesses from different sectors are already experiencing the advantages of incorporating AI into their digital marketing strategies.

While there are still some doubts about the effectiveness of AI, the evidence is clear: AI is streamlining operations, making tasks quicker and more manageable. In fact, an impressive 79% of marketing professionals believe that AI-generated content can significantly improve the quality of their output.

Adopting AI tools for enhancing your SEO efforts is more than just keeping pace with technological advancements; it’s about harnessing these advancements to stand out from the competition, improve the quality of your content, and see real improvements in how your content performs online.

What is AI in Digital Marketing?

AI in digital marketing refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to improve marketing efforts, enhance customer experiences, and optimize strategies for better outcomes. AI can collect data, learn from customer behaviors, and analyze this information to help businesses achieve their marketing goals, such as personalizing content, improving customer service, and making predictive analyses for better targeting decisions. By utilizing AI to enhance customer experiences and optimize marketing strategies, a top digital marketing company like The Ad Firm is setting new industry standards for engagement and efficiency.

Benefits of AI Content Creation

  • Efficiency and Speed: AI tools can generate drafts or ideas quickly, saving valuable time.
  • Scalability: They allow for the production of large volumes of content, essential for websites with extensive content needs.
  • Consistency: AI tools can ensure that the tone, style, and messaging of a brand remain consistent throughout all of its content.
  • Personalization: AI-powered content can be tailored to specific audiences or individuals, making it more relevant and engaging.
  • Data-driven: With access to vast amounts of data, AI tools can generate insights and recommendations for improving content performance and meeting audience needs.

Content Creation and Optimization Tools

AI-powered content optimization and creation tools are designed to help you craft content that not only engages readers but also ranks well on search engines. From generating ideas to optimizing your final draft, these tools can streamline your content creation process, ensuring that your efforts lead to tangible SEO improvements.


Jasper is your go-to AI writing assistant, making it easier to produce content that captivates and converts. It’s like having a co-writer who’s always ready to jump in, whether you’re stuck for ideas or need to polish your prose.

  • AI-Powered Drafts: With Jasper, you input initial prompts—like titles, headings, or a few introductory sentences—and the AI generates content drafts. This feature supports various content types, including AI-generated blog posts, long-form content, and social media captions.
  • User Input for Creativity: The system requires minimal input (e.g., a topic or a few guiding sentences) to produce content, making it user-friendly for brainstorming and initial content creation phases.
  • SEO Mode: This feature allows you to analyze your content against competitors on SERPs and optimize it for better ranking through the SurferSEO add-on.
  • Dynamic Templates: Jasper provides the ability to generate and save custom templates tailored to your specific content needs.
  • Integrations: Enhance your content creation and optimization processes with Jasper’s integrations, including Webflow, Google Docs, and Surfer SEO.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Ensure the originality of your content with the Copyscape add-on, which scans your content for plagiarism.
  • Content Creation: Jasper is known for speeding up content creation while ensuring the content is 100% original and plagiarism-free. It’s also capable of generating SEO content aimed at achieving higher SERP rankings.
  • Templates for SEO: Jasper offers specific templates to help write SEO-optimized content for various pages such as blog posts, homepages, product pages, and service pages. These templates assist in creating SEO-friendly title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Blog Post Outline and Paragraph Generator: These tools help in structuring your articles and generating coherent, engaging paragraphs that include your specified keywords, which is essential for SEO.
  • Long-Form Content Creation: Jasper’s long-form assistant tool aids in creating detailed blog posts by guiding you through a structured workflow, including defining the article context, audience, tone, outline, and conclusion.
  • Social Media and Visual Content Templates: Beyond text, Jasper offers templates for social media posts and visual content like infographics and video scripts, which can enhance your overall content strategy.
  • Rephrasing and Simplifying Tools: Features like the content improver and “Explain it to a 5th Grader” help refine and simplify your content, making it more accessible and engaging for a broader audience.


Frase helps you answer your audience’s burning questions by analyzing what’s already out there and pointing you in the right direction. It’s about getting to the heart of what your audience needs and making sure you’re the one to provide it.

  • SERP Research: Frase simplifies the process of researching search engine results pages (SERPs) by analyzing and summarizing content from the top search results. This feature helps save time and provides valuable insights into word count, domain rating, and heading count to inform content strategy.
  • AI-Powered Content Creation: Utilizing AI, Frase generates content that is both engaging for the audience and optimized for search engines. This includes producing full-length, optimized content briefs in just seconds.
  • Effortless Outlines: Frase enables quick curation of outlines using SERP headings, which can be organized easily using its Outline Builder. This tool also allows for the generation of outlines and subheading ideas using AI, making the outlining process faster and more efficient.
  • AI-Generated SEO Content: Frase’s AI Writer can instantly create SEO-optimized content drafts inspired by SERP results. This includes generating blog intros, copywriting formulas, FAQs, and more, which aids in speeding up the content creation process.
  • Topic Model Analysis: The intuitive text editor in Frase uses a topic model to compare your content with that of competitors, providing a list of related topics and recommended mention frequencies. This helps in crafting content that aligns with Google’s ranking criteria.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO takes the guesswork out of content optimization, comparing your work with the best out there. It’s your roadmap to top-ranking content, showing you exactly what needs to be done to get your content noticed.

  • Content Audit: This feature allows you to analyze your content’s performance and offers suggestions for improvement based on a comparison with top-ranking pages on the SERPs. This tool is useful for updating old content that’s not ranking well anymore.
  • Content Planner: Surfer SEO provides clusters of related content based on a broad keyword, helping in planning and strategizing content creation. Each cluster suggests a potential article, including preliminary data like monthly search volume and keyword difficulty.
  • Keyword Research: While Surfer SEO offers keyword research capabilities, it’s noted that it may not be as comprehensive as some other tools, especially for low-volume keywords.
  • Google Docs Integration: With the Surfer SEO Google Docs Chrome Extension, you can incorporate Surfer’s content editor into Google Docs, enabling you to see content scores for keywords and phrases while using a familiar writing environment.
  • Jasper AI Integration: By integrating Surfer SEO’s content editor with Jasper AI, you can enhance content creation with AI-driven writing that automatically includes relevant long-tail keywords, optimizing content for search engines.
  • SERP Analyzer Tool: This tool allows for an in-depth analysis of SERPs for targeted keywords, providing insights into content elements like word count, keyword usage, and backlinks of top-ranking pages.
  • Site Audit: Offers a comprehensive overview of aspects like keyword usage, internal linking suggestions, and content structure, aimed at improving overall SEO performance.

HubSpot AI Tools

HubSpot brings AI into its comprehensive marketing suite, offering tools that not only help you create content but ensure it reaches the right eye. It’s about crafting messages that resonate and drive action.

  • Smart Editor: Accessible from any location within HubSpot, the smart editor allows users to instruct the writing assistant to rewrite, summarize, expand, and alter the tone of the provided content. This feature is available in various text editors across HubSpot, making it versatile for marketing emails, SMS, social media posts, pages, and blogs.
  • One-Click Title and Meta Description: HubSpot’s writing assistant can generate SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions using data from Semrush, helping to improve your content’s visibility and search engine ranking.
  • AI Image Generator: In collaboration with DALL-E, HubSpot offers an AI image generator that can create visually appealing images for blogs, social media posts, and other marketing materials based on user prompts.
  • Website Builder: The AI Website Builder assists in creating a website from scratch using simple prompts, allowing customization of appearance, purpose, and UX/UI to suit your preferences.
  • AI Blog Generator with Semrush Data: HubSpot’s AI Blog Generator utilizes Semrush SEO tool data to create keyword-rich and search engine-optimized blogs. It provides facilities such as language setting for blog posts, idea generation, outline creation, and complete blog generation with SEO considerations. gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how your content is performing and what you can do to boost its visibility. Think of it as your SEO consultant, armed with data and ready to guide your strategy.

  • Keyword Research: helps identify crucial keywords that can improve your content’s topical depth and rankings, making it easier to target the right audience and topics relevant to your business.
  • Advanced SEO Score: The platform provides a detailed SEO score, offering insights on how to enhance your content for better Google rankings. This feature helps in understanding the necessary adjustments to make your content more SEO-friendly.
  • Content Suggestions: generates creative and SEO-optimized headlines, outlines, and topics, aiding in the creation of engaging content that aligns with your SEO goals.
  • Competitor Benchmarks: You can compare your content against competitors to identify content gaps and opportunities for improvement, ensuring that your content stands out in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Real-time SEO Guidance: As you write, offers real-time suggestions on how to improve SEO quality and depth, ensuring your content is optimized as you create it.
  • AI-generated Content: The tool can speed up your copywriting process by generating text and paragraphs, allowing you to focus more on creativity and less on the mechanical aspects of writing.


NEURONwriter is an AI-powered SEO writing and content optimization tool that offers a wide range of features to enhance your content’s SEO performance:

  • AI Writing: The tool enables the creation of entire articles with AI in just a few clicks, utilizing advanced commercial language models to generate high-quality content relevant to your topic in less than 5 minutes.
  • Semantic SEO Recommendations: NEURONwriter supports natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and provides semantic SEO recommendations. Users can input their focus keyword, and the tool will offer suggestions on how to improve content relevance and quality based on related terms and phrases.
  • Project and Query Management: NEURONwriter allows users to organize their content creation and optimization efforts efficiently, with a system that supports the management of multiple projects and queries. This feature aids in tracking all content that needs to be created or optimized for a particular website or client.
  • Content Optimization: NEURONwriter offers various content optimization features, including suggestions on building link structures, plagiarism checks, Google Search Console (GSC) & WordPress (WP) integration, and a Chrome extension for easy content editing and publishing.
  • Comprehensive SERP Analysis: NEURONwriter provides comprehensive SERP analysis and competition data, enabling users to write content tailored to user intent. It integrates with Google Search Console, Shopify, and WordPress, facilitating a seamless content optimization workflow.


ChatGPT is all about creating content that feels human, even when AI generates it. It uses GPT-3 technology to simulate human conversation and generate text that sounds natural and engaging.

  • Keyword Research and Generation: ChatGPT can help brainstorm a list of related keywords, long-tail queries, and semantically related keywords. This can aid in expanding your content’s reach and ensuring it covers topics that your audience is interested in.
  • Content Creation: While ChatGPT shouldn’t be relied upon to create your entire content strategy, it can assist in generating content outlines, briefs, and even draft content. However, it’s essential to infuse your expertise and ensure the content aligns with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines.
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: ChatGPT can generate ideas for meta titles and descriptions, which are crucial for your pages’ click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • FAQs Generation: Enhance your content by including an FAQ section. ChatGPT can suggest relevant questions and draft answers, potentially improving your visibility in Google’s “People Also Ask” section.
  • Schema Markup Generation: For more technical SEO enhancements, ChatGPT can generate schema markup for various data types like FAQs, videos, prices, ratings, and reviews, helping search engines better understand and display your content.

Keyword Research and Analysis Tools

Choosing the right keywords is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. Keyword research tools are essential for uncovering the phrases your audience is searching for, understanding the competition, and identifying opportunities to rank higher. With the help of AI and comprehensive databases, these tools provide insights that can significantly enhance your content strategy and improve your website’s search engine performance.


Semrush is a powerhouse when it comes to SEO and keyword research. It’s designed to give you a deep dive into the keywords that matter for your business, showing you how to outsmart competitors and climb the search rankings.

  • Site Audit: This tool performs an extensive audit of your website, identifying SEO issues and providing actionable solutions. It covers over 60 on-page and technical SEO checks, including checks for Hreflang, AMP, and HTTPS issues.
  • On-Page SEO Checker: This feature offers an exhaustive list of optimization suggestions for specific pages on your website. It provides tips on improving various elements like content, backlinks, and SERP feature targeting.
  • Keyword Research Tools: SEMrush’s keyword research tools, including the Keyword Magic Tool and Keyword Overview, help you find the best keywords for your content. These tools provide vital metrics such as search volume, trend, competition level, and related keywords to help you optimize your keyword strategy.
  • Rank Tracking: SEMrush’s Position Tracking tool allows you to monitor your website’s rankings for target keywords in your specified location. It provides insights from SERP feature analysis, helping you understand how your site performs against competitors.
  • Competitive Research: Features like Traffic Analytics, Organic Research, and the Domain Overview give you a bird’s-eye view of your competitors’ strategies. You can analyze their traffic sources, referring domains, keywords they’re ranking for, and their performance on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Content Marketing Tools: Tools like the SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant help you create SEO-friendly content by providing recommendations on keywords, structure, and backlinks. They analyze your top-performing rivals to help you adopt their successful practices.
  • Technical SEO Tools: In addition to the Site Audit, SEMrush offers a Log File Analyzer to help you understand how search engine crawlers interact with your website. This tool is crucial for identifying structural and navigational issues and optimizing your crawl budget.


Ahrefs stands out with its robust database and precise analytics, making it a favorite among SEO professionals. Whether you’re looking to explore new keywords or keep tabs on your competitors, Ahrefs has the tools you need.

  • Site Explorer: This tool allows you to analyze the backlink profile of your site as well as your competitors’. It’s invaluable for understanding the competitive landscape and uncovering link-building opportunities.
  • Site Audit: Ahrefs’ Site Audit tool can quickly identify and help you rectify common SEO issues on your website, ensuring your site remains optimized for search engines.
  • Keywords Explorer: This feature helps in finding relevant keywords that your potential customers are searching for, which is essential for crafting content that drives targeted traffic.
  • Content Explorer: Discover content ideas and link opportunities by exploring the most shared content across various topics. This tool is great for content marketing and social media strategy.
  • Rank Tracker: Track your website’s ranking progress for targeted keywords. This tool provides insights into desktop and mobile rankings across different locations, offering valuable data for tweaking your SEO strategy.


RankIQ is specifically designed with bloggers and content creators in mind, focusing on uncovering the best keywords to target for content that gets noticed. It’s all about finding those hidden gems that drive traffic without facing stiff competition.

  • Keyword Library: RankIQ provides an extensive library of low-competition, high-volume keywords across over 200 main niches and numerous sub-niches. This library is particularly beneficial for identifying relevant and potentially high-ranking keywords for your content, saving you significant time in keyword research.
  • Content Optimizer: This tool analyzes your content against SEO best practices and provides actionable recommendations for improvement. It examines factors such as keyword density, readability, and structure, guiding you to optimize your content for better search engine visibility.
  • AI SEO Reports/Content Briefs: RankIQ generates detailed SEO reports that offer insights into the topics favored by Google’s ranking algorithm. These reports suggest optimal word counts, LSI phrases, title analysis, and competition analysis, helping you craft content that aligns with search engine preferences.
  • Rank Tracking: This feature enables you to monitor the performance of your content in Google search results. It connects with your Google Search Console to provide easy tracking of your rankings, offering insights to adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Exclusive Facebook Group: RankIQ users gain access to an exclusive Facebook group where they can connect with other bloggers, share experiences, and get tips and support from the RankIQ team. This community aspect adds value by facilitating knowledge exchange and networking.

SEO Analytics and Reporting Tools

Tracking and analyzing your website’s SEO performance is essential for understanding how well your strategies are working and where there’s room for improvement. SEO analytics and reporting tools use advanced technologies to monitor various metrics and provide actionable insights. These tools help you grasp your website’s health, user engagement, and overall SEO effectiveness, enabling you to refine your tactics for better search engine rankings and user experience.

Google Analytics AI

Google Analytics AI takes website analytics to the next level by utilizing machine learning to sift through your data and highlight meaningful patterns. This tool is invaluable for anyone looking to get a deeper understanding of how visitors interact with their site and how these interactions lead to conversions.

  • Behavioral Insights: Identifies how users navigate through your site, highlighting what works and what doesn’t.
  • Conversion Tracking: Pinpoints the pathways users take to complete a conversion, helping to optimize for future success.
  • AI-Powered Recommendations: Offers smart suggestions on how to improve your website’s performance based on data.

Note: Google Analytics is a free tool, with advanced features available for Google Analytics 360 subscribers.


Diib simplifies SEO analytics by using AI to not only track your website’s performance but also to provide tailored advice on how to boost your SEO and online presence. It’s designed for website owners who want to improve their site without getting bogged down in complex data analysis.

  • Customized SEO Recommendations: Offers specific advice tailored to your website’s performance and potential.
  • User-Friendly Interface: This makes it easy to understand your SEO health and areas for improvement.
  • Progress Tracking: This helps you monitor improvements over time, ensuring you’re on the right track.

Pricing: Diib offers a free plan with basic features and premium plans for advanced analytics and insights.


GrowthBar positions itself as an SEO tool for the fast-paced marketer, providing immediate insights directly from the search engine results page (SERP). It’s perfect for those who need quick access to SEO metrics without diving into complex analytics platforms.

  • On-The-Fly SEO Metrics: View keyword rankings, domain authority, and backlink data without leaving the SERP.
  • Competitive Analysis Tools: Quickly compare your site’s performance to competitors, identifying strengths and weaknesses.
  • Keyword Research and Tracking: Discover new keywords and track your rankings to adjust your SEO strategy as needed.

Pricing: GrowthBar offers a free trial, with subscription plans available for ongoing access to all features.

Link Building and Internal Linking Tools

Building a network of links both within your website and from external sources is crucial for SEO success. Effective link building and internal linking not only help improve your site’s authority and search engine rankings but also enhance the user experience by making your site more navigable. Tools designed for link building and internal linking use AI to identify opportunities for creating a robust link structure, making it easier for website owners to implement these strategies with precision.

Link Whisper

Link Whisper revolutionizes the way internal links are managed on WordPress sites. Utilizing AI, suggests relevant internal linking opportunities as you write, streamlining the process of strengthening your website’s internal structure. This tool is especially beneficial for large sites looking to improve SEO without manually combing through every page for linking opportunities.

  • Automated Internal Linking Suggestions: Automatically identifies potential internal links, saving time and effort.
  • SEO Structure Improvement: Enhances the overall SEO structure of your website by optimizing internal link distribution.
  • User Navigation Enhancement: Makes it easier for users to find related content, improving the site experience.

Alli AI

Alli AI aims to simplify the SEO process by automating link building among other SEO tasks. It’s not just about building links; it’s about finding the right strategy to increase your site’s visibility and ranking on search engines. Alli AI analyzes your site and the competitive landscape to recommend actionable steps for acquiring valuable backlinks.

  • Automated Link Building Strategies: Provides tailored strategies for gaining high-quality backlinks effectively.
  • SEO Process Automation: Automates various SEO tasks, making it easier to improve your site’s ranking.
  • Site Authority Enhancement: Helps boost your site’s authority with search engines through strategic link acquisition.

Visual Content Creation Tools

In today’s digital landscape, visual content plays a pivotal role in engaging audiences and enhancing SEO efforts. Tools equipped with AI capabilities have made it significantly easier for creators to design high-quality visuals and videos. These tools not only help in creating visually appealing content but also ensure that it aligns with SEO best practices, making your content more shareable and increasing its potential to rank better in search results.

Canva’s AI features

Canva has revolutionized graphic design with its user-friendly platform, and its integration of AI features takes this a step further. Whether you’re creating social media graphics, presentations, or infographics, Canva’s AI-powered tools streamline the design process, making professional-looking visuals accessible to everyone, regardless of their design experience.

  • Wide Range of Templates: Offers an extensive library of templates, making it easy to start and customize designs.
  • AI-Driven Design Suggestions: Provides smart design suggestions for colors, layouts, and images.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Helps create visuals that are not only eye-catching but also optimized for engagement and sharing.


Pictory harnesses the power of AI to transform written content into engaging video content. Recognizing the growing importance of video for SEO and user engagement, Pictory provides a straightforward solution for repurposing existing blog posts, articles, and other text-based content into videos that are more likely to capture and retain your audience’s attention.

  • Text-to-Video Conversion: Automatically converts articles into dynamic videos.
  • Customization Options: Offers a range of editing tools to personalize videos with your brand’s colors, logos, and voice.
  • Engagement Booster: Videos created with Pictory can increase the time users spend on your site, a key factor for SEO success.

What Should You Look for In AI SEO Tools?

When it comes to AI SEO tools, the main goal is to make your life easier by taking the heavy lifting out of SEO and content creation. These tools use smart technology to suggest content ideas, automate SEO tasks, and boost your site’s visibility in search results, all while ensuring your content aligns with your digital marketing goals.

Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing AI SEO tools:

  • Integration Capabilities: It’s important that the AI tools can easily fit into your existing content creation and management routine. They should work well with the tools you’re already using to manage projects and productivity.
  • Quality of Data: The suggestions and content generated by these tools are only as good as the data they’re based on. Look for tools that use comprehensive, up-to-date data to inform their suggestions.
  • Automation of Tasks: One of the biggest benefits of AI tools is their ability to handle the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of SEO. Choose tools that can automate these tasks effectively, saving you time and effort.
  • User-Friendliness: You shouldn’t need to be a tech expert to use these tools. Look for platforms that are straightforward and guide you through the SEO process smoothly, minimizing the need for trial and error.
  • Collaboration Features: If you’re working in a team, the AI SEO tools should support a collaborative environment, allowing for easy sharing and discussion of insights, content, and strategies.

Selecting the right AI SEO tools involves looking for solutions that not only offer advanced features but are also compatible with your workflow, easy to use, and designed to facilitate collaboration. This ensures that your investment in AI technology truly enhances your SEO efforts and supports your broader digital marketing strategy.

Future of AI in SEO

The future of AI in SEO looks bright and is set to transform how we approach online visibility and content creation. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even smarter tools that can predict search trends, automate more SEO tasks, and provide deeper insights into user behavior. This means SEO strategies will become more data-driven, allowing for more personalized and effective content that meets the specific needs of target audiences.

AI is also likely to make SEO more accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills. With intuitive tools that can analyze and optimize content in real-time, achieving top search engine rankings will become more about creativity and less about understanding complex algorithms.

In short, AI is set to make SEO faster, smarter, and more effective, helping businesses of all sizes improve their online presence and connect with their audiences in meaningful ways. The key for those in digital marketing is to stay updated with AI advancements and be ready to adapt to new tools and techniques as they emerge.


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