Day: March 20, 2019

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PPC Advertising Services

Why Paid Ads Fail

Business owners at one point consider going for a paid ad campaign as part of their marketing strategy. Before embarking on a pay-per-click advertising scheme, it’s possible that you will hesitate and rethink if such a campaign is a good idea or not. It’s good to evaluate your move before you do it and even when you’re already in the

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A Guide to Site Migration

What Does Site Migration Mean A site migration refers to changes to a website that affects its visibility on the search engines. These changes are usually the ones that are made on the site structure, the content of the pages, coding for the site, UX or site performance. Google doesn’t really cover site migration in depth, which can result in

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Diagnosing Drops in SEO Traffic

If you talk to a consultant or an SEO professional, most of them would tell you that they’ve had experienced being asked to investigate a drop in a website traffic during their career. Most SEO professionals would tell you that they have investigated such changes several times. If you want to know how to investigate SEO traffic drops, you have

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How To Determine The Cause Of Your Declining Traffic

If you are new to the entire SEO scene, when confronted with declining traffic, you could have one of the two types of responses. One is, you can feel excitement because you might want to experiment with your ideas and put them to good use the best you can. Secondly, you could be overwhelmed with fear, thinking that your site’s

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Ways to Find Featured Snippet Opportunities

Ever since Google added the snippet feature, it has become one of the best ways to get visibility on the SERPs. Of course, as to be expected, it is quite a competitive environment. If you want to get into the coveted featured snippet spot, there are lots things for you to consider if you want to earn that most-coveted spot

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Digital Marketing

What A Content Audit Can Reveal About Your Website

Most of the SEO agencies would make it a point to evaluate your website thoroughly when you sign up for their services. Getting a content audit done on your website is more important than you think. It’s just as important as an SEO audit that focuses on the technical side of your website. The most useful benefit of content auditing

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How To Successfully Create A YouTube Presence For Your Business

YouTube is undeniably a large platform – it’s a search engine on its own that is too popular and too big for you to ignore. If you want to expand your online presence, YouTube is one of the methods to achieve that. In case you don’t have a YouTube Channel for your business yet, that needs to change, RIGHT NOW.

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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Boosting A Business’ Booking and Conversion Through Google Posts

All these time, you might be taking Google Posts for granted, not knowing its full potential to meet your brand goals. You might have already come across Google Posts, especially if you’ve been trying to optimize your business locally. Google Posts is a feature of Google Business Profile, and not a lot of business owners know how fascinating it can

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Why You Should Consider Planning For Future Bot Interactions

Experts predict that the average person will be interacting more with their bots than their spouse by 2020. Even Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is convinced that people will be more inclined to use messaging services than social networking. This basically translates to people using chatbots more and more in the future. How will this affect your business? Whichever angle you

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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

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The Ad Firm began with one mission in mind: HELP CLIENTS STAND OUT. We became the leading digital marketing firm through extensive research, proven techniques, data analysis, and more.


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